I'm blessed to have so many great "Moms" in my life: Mary, Barabara Miller, India Chumney, Nancy Strane, and Janie Bucek. Sadly, I still haven't mastered the trick of being four places at once (especially when you're nowhere at all), so we have to pick just one place each year.
We spent this Mom's Day in San Antonio with my stepmom India Chumney, and brother William and sister Elizabeth DeMarigny.
It was a great reunion. We hadn't seen Willie in ages, and he just returned from several weeks in London and Paris. One of these days, we'll have to take a trip there together and compare notes!
Lizzie looked great, very New York chic, as she prepared for her finals, and life as a college student at her Mom's alma matter- UT Austin. We're happy that Lizzie will be close to us, and hope to see more of her, but we're not counting on it! (Hey, we do remember college life- we're not THAT old!)
Danielle made another boyfriend, 18 month-old Andrew, I think his name was. Gawd, I'm in trouble. I knew it started early these days, but this is ridiculous!!!
And it was great to see India again, of course. Danielle was happy to be reunited with her Cita.
They just got cozy, and then it was time for us to be on the road again (boo!). On the bright side, we did get to see the second half of the Spurs game versus the Hornets (series tied, 2-2). Yea!!!
We also got to talk to our other Moms- Barbara (my mom), Janie (Mary's mom), and Nancy (my Godmother). We love them all, and feel blessed to have them all in our lives, and in Danielle's life.
Now, if I can only master that four places at once trick...
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